What Are You Seeking This Season?
I don’t think there has been a season of Lent that I have looked forward to as much as I do this one. There is much weighing heavy on my heart - for myself personally, for my community, for the nation I live in, and for the world.
Traditionally, Lent commemorates Christ’s 40 days in the wilderness where he was tempted by Satan. “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.” (Matthew 4:1-2ESV) When we observe Lent, we enter into a 40-day journey with Jesus.
It is my deep desire to take the next 40 days to walk this journey with Christ. The wilderness around me seems very present and walking in it and through it with Jesus feels like the right place to be in this season.
As believers, we usually observe Lent by choosing to fast from something we would normally enjoy. Many will also choose to take on something at the same time - serving others, Lenten devotionals, or daily self-examination. I am not certain what the next 40 days will be like for me, but I have decided that I will give something up and take something on. I will give something up that will be a reminder that I am in a season that is unlike any other. A reminder of my desire to be in the wilderness with Christ, keen to temptations and seeking God to sustain me. I will also take something on for Lent. This year, my church and many other churches in my community are entering into a season of prayer for awakening. So, what I am taking on is daily prayer for specific people and for awakening in my city.
Whether or not you practice Lent, what are you anticipating over the next 40 days leading up to Easter? What are you seeking this season?
Is there a longing in your heart that needs to be addressed?
Do you desire more of God’s presence in your life?
A greater sense of His purpose?
Peace that transcends the weariness of your soul?
I invite you to take time for reflection and prayer:
Lord, what are you inviting me to in this season?
What spiritual practice would put me in a place to draw closer to you?
Jesus, I accept your invitation to walk with you over the next 40 days.
I’d love to hear how you will be drawing near to the Lord during this season of Lent. Scroll to the bottom of this page and use the comment section to share.
Resources for Lent
Pauses for Lent: 40 Words for 40 Days, Trevor Hudson
The Wondrous Cross - Renovare, free webinar on March 8, 2022
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Photo by Daniel Lerman on Unsplash
Some Biblical Facks, Concerning, The End Times:
Our faith actions and godly love decisions determine our truest love for the gospel truth of Jesus Christ. Apostle James R, Winfree Sr, National, and Global Social Media Ministries.
Let me start here as the Holy Spirit leads me... Matthew Chapter 24: verses 5 through 8 gives us some important clues for discerning the approach of the end times: “ Jesus Christ Himself said that many will come in His Name, claiming, ‘The are the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
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Hello Gail ,
as a Christian I want to deepen my relationship to GOD and want to know Him more deeper. I commit myself to serve Him more . I commit myself to have more time with Our Father Almighty .
Thank you so much .